
Empowering a community to adopt a mindset of perseverance to achieve their goals.

Pride. Courage. Strength.

Will Truong motivational speaker

A first-generation, Vietnamese-American TEDx speaker, actor, and storyteller. After receiving a football scholarship to West Point, Will experienced a life-changing accident that left him paralyzed. Through rigorous therapy to re-condition his body and mind, he miraculously made a full recovery, and was deemed a “walking miracle”.

Today, he continues to push his physical and mental boundaries through strength training, combat training, reading, and creative expression in film as a writer and actor.

As a storyteller, Will shares his inspiring story, lessons, and insights through key-note speeches and films.

Will is currently writing a book detailing the lessons he has learned from the perspective of growing up without a dad.

You can follow the journey and brand on Instagram.

Meet Will Truong

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